February 18, 2015
・日本に入国して 6 ヶ月以内の外国籍のお客様(※日本入国時の旅券にある上陸許可の証印が「再入国」でないもの)
・お買い上げ合計金額が税抜き 10,001 円以上で免税対象となります。
Thank you for patronage FULLCOUNT.
We are starting duty free service at FULLCOUNT TOKYO shop.
When you purchase in our shop we will make procedure of goods.
Tax free condition
Duty-free shopping is available to foreign visitors with a 6 month+ visa who satisfy the following conditions.
1/ Passport
Carrying a valid passport
2/ Items
Items purchased on day application
3/ Leaves the country
Items to be carried out of Japan when the visitor leaves the country
4/ Total purchases
Items subject to tax, total purchases on the same day of 10,001 yen (without tax) or more.
Procedures for exemption
1/ Display your passport ( Not copy)
2/ Processing the export duty-free goods purchase
3/ We will stick on the export duty-free goods purchase to your passport.
(You need visit declaration for export duty-free goods purchase at airport when you departing the country.)
If you need more information please ask our staff.